Canada Holiday Outreach

By Jevranne Martel, VO Canada Outreach Coordinator

Michelle Thorn, Zoe Bishop, Jevranne Martel, Beccah Ellis, and Edelweiss D'Andrea
Michelle Thorn, Zoe Bishop, Jevranne Martel, Beccah Ellis, and Edelweiss D’Andrea

Over the winter break I went out with a few friends and leafleted on a few different occasions. Being that it was the holiday shopping season, we took advantage of the busy shopping crowds and leafleted in Ottawa, ON. We leafleted at Hudson’s Bay—a Canadian department store—and at the Mackenzie King and South Keys transit stations.

The experiences were all very positive and we got a lot of support. The crowds were great and positive conversations were generated in multiple instances. The best part was seeing how many people were curious about making more compassionate changes in 2017!

Jev Martel

Beccah Ellis

One thought on “Canada Holiday Outreach

  1. Jevranne Martel,
    Nice to see that Vegan Outreach has come to Canada. Would really like to hear from you personally, as I would love to become VERY proactive with the animal welfare situation in Canada. I have tried to search the net, and don’t seem to find a comparable organization as Vegan Outreach. I would like to hear about your experience with them. Please respond with some information.
    Thank You,
    Glenn Palmer

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