Vegan Eats World by Terry Hope Romero

Reviewed by Josie Moody.

What’s one of the best things about being vegan? Testing out new recipes, of course!

I had the perfect opportunity do so using Terry Hope Romero’s newest cookbook, Vegan Eats World: 300 International Recipes for Savoring the Planet.

Her previous cookbooks, Veganomicon, Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar, and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World all have homes in my cookbook library.

This book was user friendly in so many ways. It has easy, readable directions, colorful pictures and a mixture of recipes that left me wondering how one woman could continue to come up with interesting and tasty ways to prepare food.

I flipped through the pages, trying to decide which recipes would, literally, make the cut. Although the book focuses on dishes from around the world, I wanted to choose twists on something familiar. I also didn’t want to blow my grocery budget on expensive, obscure ingredients. Luckily, it was easy to do as recipes are categorized based on the time needed to prepare, ingredients, level of difficulty, expense, and more.

See below for the three recipes I chose and how they turned out.

I look forward to using Vegan Eats World again and again as I go on many more excursions, all from the comfort of my own kitchen!

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