Today Only: A Gift for Your Donation


With the number of farmed animals killed in the world today, it can be easy to lose sight of the fact that every single animal we spare from a lifetime of misery is a victory. Animals don’t suffer as a group, they suffer as individuals. And that means the part each of us can play will make all the difference in the world—in proportion to the effort we put forward.

You can persuade more people to spare animals from suffering!

Donate $20 or more today and we’ll send you a book to spread compassion even further!* “It’s Easy To Start Eating Vegan,” by Rebecca Gilbert, makes a great gift for friends or family members interested in making more animal-friendly food choices.

Please spare as many animals as you can. Donate today and get a copy of “It’s Easy To Start Eating Vegan.”

*US only. While supplies last.