Vegan Girl Scout Cookies!


By Toni Okamoto

Vegan Girl Scout Cookies exist! But sadly, not everywhere. The Girl Scouts use two baking companies: ABC Bakers and Little Brownie. The two companies are broken up geographically and serve different counties. If your county serves Little Brownie Cookies (you can see on the box), then you have the option of Thin Mints, but if you have ABC Baker Girl Scouts you have four delightful, delectable, delicious options!

It’s hard to know whether your local troop has all the vegan goods, but you can try giving them a call or reaching out to them on social media. There’s also this nifty tool to help you locate cookie stands nearest you:

The four vegan options available from ABC Bakers are: Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Patties, Lemonades and Thanks-A-Lot.

Only about a month before you see cookie stands popping up near you! I can’t wait!