In the second quarter of 2023, our programs in India have reached new milestones, thanks to your unwavering support. Here are some exciting updates:
456,790 kgs/ 1,007,050 Pounds of Animal Products Reduced!

Our Latest Successes
23,000+ Students Are Now Trying Vegan

Meet Nija
Nija Dillon has joined the India Outreach team as the Outreach Coordinator of Gujarat. With her dedication, she has successfully signed up 6,971 students to our 10 Weeks to Vegan program and organized engaging Food Planet Health awareness webinars with more than 100 colleges. Nija’s commitment to creating positive change is truly inspiring.
Your support has been instrumental in enabling us to hire the right talent and to achieve these remarkable milestones. Help us make an even greater impact by becoming a monthly donor—monthly gifts help save more animals all year long.
With gratitude,
Richa Mehta,
Director of Programs, India