Holiday Cookie Roundup

During the holiday season, there’s never a shortage of events where delicious holiday-themed cookies take front and center stage. Like that upcoming holiday cookie exchange, or annual office Christmas party.

Or maybe there’s no occasion and you just want a few—ahem, or a couple dozen—delicious holiday cookies at home to enjoy all by yourself! Whatever your holiday cookie needs may be, we’ve got some tasty recommendations for you!

Vegan Eggnog Cookies

Vegan Eggnog Cookies

Yes, vegan frosted Eggnog Cookies are a thing. Thank you, Rabbit and Wolves.

Soft Pumpkin Ginger Snaps

Soft Pumpkin Ginger Cookies

Move over commercially-made, bagged Ginger Snaps. Here’s a pumpkiny, soft version that’s sure to win out any ginger snap-lover’s taste buds! Try Vegan Richa’s Soft Pumpkin Ginger Snaps.

Salty Sweet Toffee Cookies with Dark Chocolate Glaze and Candied Pecans

salty sweet toffee cookies with dark chocolate and candied pecans

If the name of this blog—How to Philosophize with Cake—doesn’t peak your curiosity, I think this Salty Sweet Toffee Cookies with Dark Chocolate Glaze and Candied Pecans recipe will!

Gingerbread Man Cookies

Gingerbread Man Cookies

What’s a holiday gathering without eating a traditional gingerbread cookie? Here’s a great go-to Gingerbread Man Cookies recipe by Sweet Potato Soul.

Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies

Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies

We’ll wrap things up with another traditional cookie—It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken’s Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies. And everyone knows that the real fun starts when the frosting and decorations come out!

Is your favorite vegan holiday cookie not mentioned here? Leave us a comment and tell us what cookie suits your holiday fancy!

Happy cookie-making!