Let’s Get Plant-Based Dog Food in LA Shelters

LA shelters

Take two minutes to help both dogs and farmed animals!

Los Angeles community members, along with ten veterinarians, started a petition to get all six city animal shelters to feed their dogs plant-based food. LA Animal Services Commissioners voted in December to do a 60-day feasibility study to analyze the benefits and risks of making the switch.

According to the veterinarians, a plant-based diet could eliminate harmful chemicals found in meat-based dog food—which may help prevent canine ailments like cancer and allergic dermatitis*—while also sparing the lives of thousands of farmed animals who are used in the food.

We need your help to make it happen!

sign the petition

*Heinze, C. R., VMD, MS, DACVN, Gomez, F. C., BS, & Freeman, L. M., DVM, PhD, DACVN. (2012). Assessment of commercial diets and recipes for home-prepared diets recommended for dogs with cancer. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 241(11), 1453-1460.

One thought on “Let’s Get Plant-Based Dog Food in LA Shelters

  1. Thank you for sharing the info I found the details very helpful This is a very interesting and helpful post This post contains huge valuable information on our
    A vegan diet is perfect to be healthy and is also good for the planet and the animals.Truly it’s a nice job.But here I have a very quick question that How we can realize our Vegen Diet?Hope soon you will write a detailed article to give a complete info about my question.
    Best Regards

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