Leaflet Like a Pro

By Vic Sjodin, VO Director of Outreach

The fall semester has officially started at many colleges and universities across the country, which means ample opportunity for animal advocates to get out there and do outreach to an open-minded crowd of people.

Whether you’re new to leafleting or you’ve been leafleting for years, we want to give you a few easy-to-implement, time-tested tips that are guaranteed to help you leaflet like a pro.

Leaflet Like a Pro

Smile and Say Hello

A warm greeting and a friendly smile will undoubtedly increase the number of booklets you hand out. You can also try saying statements like, “Info on helping animals.” or “Help stop suffering.”

People who are new to leafleting will often say these statements as questions—”Would you like some info on how to help animals?” Doing this will actually decrease the number of booklets people take from you. Tweaking something so little can increase your take rate dramatically.

Extend Arm Fully

You’ll want to lean a little towards the receiver and extend your arm fully, locking your arm straight out when handing off the booklet. Do your best to pass the booklet right into the receiver’s hand.

If you have your arm close to your body and bent at 90 degrees, you won’t appear as confident. This is another small change that will make a huge difference!


For a bonus tip—make sure to square your shoulders and face the person walking toward you. Hand the booklet forward, slightly to the left or the right of your body. Be mindful not to hand out booklets with your arm to the side of your body.

Thank People Who Take a Booklet

Saying “Thank you!” or “Have a nice day!” or even “You’re the best!” with a little enthusiasm will have a profound cumulative effect by keeping the momentum of leaflet takers going. The person who took your booklet will appreciate the kindness, and, more importantly, the next person approaching will take note of your kindness and likely grab the booklet you’re offering.

Once a few people start taking booklets, more and more people will take them as they see others doing it. This simple act can often double or triple your take rate when done with warmth and sincerity.

Watch a Demonstration

Want to see these tips in action? Check out this video—a recording of Vegan Outreach’s first Facebook Live leafleting demonstration.

Facebook Live Thumbnail

Have more questions about leafleting? Check out our detailed Helpful Tips page on the Adopt A College Website.

Want to get involved and start leafleting? This is how to get started.

Good luck and happy leafleting!

4 thoughts on “Leaflet Like a Pro

  1. Hi
    I’m a life long vegi who became a conscious vegan a few years back.
    I live in London and Id really like to get involved in leafletting here.
    How do I go about it?

  2. Lor, I just looked up this guide after doing some leaftletting from Brick Lane in East London. There are a few campaigning organisations in London, an Animal Rights Meetup group, and the biggest vegan social organisation in the world.

    I was leafletting with London Vegan Actions:

  3. Hey,
    I was vegetarian for years, but, the last few months I decided to become vegan. I am desperately trying to find a vegan organization here in Winnipeg Canada and get involved, for instance, leafleting sounds a great idea to start with. Thus, I was wondering if you guys are working along with any organization here.?


    1. Hi Eve,

      Congrats on your recent transition from vegetarian to vegan! That’s fantastic!

      Vegan Outreach does not work with any groups or organizations in Winnipeg (we are unaware of any in that area). However, we do have a Canadian Outreach Coordinator, Jevranne Martel, who will be traveling to Winnipeg sometime this fall or next spring to leaflet at the nearby schools. I don’t believe she has her schedule yet, but I encourage you to reach out to her so she can let you know when she will be in Winnipeg. Her email is [email protected]

      Thank you for your message, Eve! Please let us know if we can help you with anything else!

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