Q and A with VegKitchen

By Lori Stultz, Communications Manager

Vegan Outreach Leafleters

VegKitchen—a comprehensive online resource for all things vegan—recently reached out to Vegan Outreach and asked if we’d be up to doing a Q and A about the organization and the outreach we do. We professionally and somewhat calmly replied, “Um…Heck yes!”

We’d like to share the interview with you—our wonderful supporters and volunteers—because it’s a great overview of Vegan Outreach’s history, overall mission, and why we’ve focused on leafleting over the years.

Whether you’ve been following our work since 1993, or this is your first time on our website, we think you’ll enjoy reading the interview as much as we enjoyed answering it!

And we’d like to send a huge thank you to VegKitchen for featuring Vegan Outreach!


VegKitchen got a chance to ask VO how they operate, why they’ve been so effective, and how others can get involved in helping them promote a compassionate plant-based diet, one person at a time.

Click here for the full article.